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Release notes
  • 2023 Week 32

    TransFollow Drive App
    • Limit RTI types allowed
    We limited the RTI types to make it easier for carriers to act. During configuration, submitters can set which transfer types should be excluded. This ensures that the chosen transfer options align more effectively with carriers' specific cases.
    • Indicate picture already taken
    Previously we added a feature to add a mandatary picture before signing process. In some cases that observations with an picture already taken yet not in the signing process, we have added a new checkbox where you can indicate you have already added the picture and by selecting the checkbox you are allowed to move on to the next step.
  • 2023 Week29

    TransFollow Drive App
    • Freight Documents Delivered at End UX
    To enhance the user experience, we have made adjustments to the sorting functionality. Now, you can simply check the 'Show delivered at the end' checkbox, and the updated ordering overview will appear when you press back, eliminating the need to select a different sorting section.  
    • Overview Goods Icon Redesign
    In the document overview, we have replaced the icon indicating 'The goods have been adjusted' on the freight document with a yellow tag in text format. This change makes it more clear and concise for viewers to identify. We added two new buttons in the document overview: the 'Observations' icon and the 'Open PDF' icon. Clicking on the 'Observations' icon allows you to view a preview of the added observations, while clicking on the 'Open PDF' icon directly opens the corresponding PDF file.  
    • Vehicle added to FD overview
    We added ‘Vehicle’ as a new selection in the Column options in the document overview. If clients require vehicle information, they can easily include it in the Freight Document overview by simply ticking the checkbox of 'Vehicle' in the Column options.
    • Goods Indication on observation
    The “Good Indicate” feature had been added in TransFollow App and API, allowing you to easily associate observations with specific goods. Now this feature is also available on Portal and PDF.  
    • Allow Carrier on External Signature
    It is already possible to submit a proof of transfer as a external system for the Consignor, consignee, place of taking over and place of delivery. Now we have added the option to submit an external proof of transfer for the carrier.  
    • German Language
    As the secondary language, German language is now available in PDFs.  
  • 2023 Week26

    TransFollow Drive App
    Indicate Good on Observation The “Good Indicate” feature has been added in TransFollow App, allowing you to easily associate observations with specific goods. When adding an observation, by selecting the relevant good/ADR from a dropdown menu, you can add comments and track the status of individual goods. Multiple observations can be created, and the good information will be visible on the Freight Document. This feature is currently available in both the TransFollow App and API.
    • Freight Forwarder on Transports
    We added the Freight Forwarder as a new role, allowing them to collaborate with the submitter in managing transports. The submitter can appoint a Freight Forwarder when creating a transport. Then the selected Freight Forwarder is able to edit the transport in their account and assign their carrier partner to the transport. You can add a Freight Forwarder in the Partner section. Once the transport is issued, the freight forwarder will have the visibility right. This feature is only available through the portal.
    • Search by Order Number
    We introduced a new filter – order number filter, to improve the document search performance. When the specific order number is filled in, all the Freight Documents associated with this order number will be displayed.
    • Delete Freight Document Supplement Attachment
    We enabled the option to remove supplement attachments directly within the portal. This feature allows you to rectify any mistakes made during the operation, ensuring that incorrect files can be easily removed.
    • Filters Streamlined 
    To provide a simplified experience, we have introduced a new "Filter options" menu, allowing you to select and apply specific filters according to your preferences.
    • "Sign Documents" and "Export CMR" Button Moved
    We introduced a new "Filter options" menu, allowing you to select and apply specific filters according to your preferences.
    • Technical Reference for API Usage
    To enhance the integration process, we added the technical flag to the reference which will not be shown on the portal and App.
    • PDF Endpoint
    We introduced an PDF endpoint to download the Freight Document"s PDF as an 64encoded attachment.
    • More Returned on Freight Document Post
    We added transport reference and delivery mission identifier to the response object when they create a document through API.
  • 2023 Week20

    TransFollow Drive App
    • Singular Overview Mode
    We have simplified your transport overviews in the "List of Transports" by showing only the expanded view of each transport. The option to have a collapsed overview is no longer available.
    • Duplicate Multiple RTIs
    Drivers now have a quicker way to add already existing RTIs to different categories on the freight document when delivering and picking up at the same location. In the RTIs section, a duplicate button has been added per category.  
    • Separate Edit/Add Goods Permissions
    We have separated the edit and add goods permissions, allowing carriers to either edit or add goods individually. This update provides submitters (shippers) with better control over the actions carriers can perform. The same also applies to pre-defined RTIs.
    • Add Trader Identification Number to Partner
    You can now add a trader identification number to a partner not only through the portal but also via the app when adding a partner. If the selected partner already has a number, it will be automatically filled in.
    TransFollow Drive App RTI re-editing                          
    • GPS Tracking For Access Code
    Users logging in with an access code can now use the same GPS tracking functionality as if you have a regular account, to obtain more accurate location details of transports. This feature can be enabled in a pop-up window when logging in with the access code for the first time. It can also be toggled on and off via the menu in the app.
    • Shipper Can See Map/ETA
    Shippers now have better visibility of their transports as they can view the ETA and current locations of drivers in the dashboard.
    • Change Place of Delivery
    If the freight document has not been delivered yet, submitters can still change the place of delivery using a newly added button in the e-CMR preview on the portal. This function is already available in the API and has now been added to the portal as well.  
    • Show Issued Goods Amount
    If there are changes in the amount of goods and RTIs made by carriers, both the original amount and the current (edited) amount will be shown on all TransFollow platforms. This ensures that all parties are well informed about the goods updates.
    • Get PDF Base64 Encoded
    In the API, you can retrieve the PDF version of the freight document. Integrators can now request the PDF as a base64 encoded stream if needed.
  • TransFollow Drive App
    • Sort on Creation Date
    The Sorting feature is added under the Access Code login environment. Drivers can choose ‘Creation Date’ and all freight documents will be sorted from the oldest freight document to the latest. In this case, any activities or editing on freight documents will not affect this sequence of documents. TransFollow Drive App
    • Change Transference Type
    If the carrier made a mistake on an RTI (returnable transport item), now the carrier is possible to correct this by re-editing the details of the RTI and changing its Transference Type. TransFollow Drive App RTI re-editing
    • Mandatory Sign-on-Glass info
    During the Sign-on-Glass inspection, the counterparty usually needs to fill in some fields while handling the goods. We made it possible for submitters of the freight documents to decide which of the fields is mandatory for the counterparty to fill based on their different use cases.
    TransFollow Drive App Sign on glass
    • Hungarian Language
    The Hungarian language is added to the TransFollow Drive app.
    TransFollow Portal
    • Add access code
    Add-access-code functionality is not only available on the API, but also available on the TransFollow portal now. Submitters can add new access codes after freight documents have been issued at the Portal in the document view. Once a new access code has been added, the document can be accessed through both old and new access codes.   TransFollow Portal access code
    • Attachments not redownloaded
    We improved the preload intent to have the attachment of the freight document downloaded once and then not be re-downloaded to save the data usage for TransFollow App users.
    • Webhook TLS Certificates
    We made the usage of webhook more secure by adding TLS Certificates security to Webhook functionality.
    • Remove access code
    We added the ability to delete access codes from freight documents after the transport is done or cancelled.
    We have continued optimizing our platform by fixing some minor bugs and adding some technical improvements.
    • Statistical Number for ADR
    Not only for the regular goods, but also now the statistical number has been added to ADR goods as well in the App, PDFs, and Portal.
    TransFollow Drive App
    • Scan the QR code for the access code to prevent typo mistakes
    In order to prevent the typos that drivers may make while logging in to the Drive app by filling in the access code, drivers now can log in by scanning a QR code that is provided at the site.
    • Redo Signing-on-Glass signature is possible
    It is possible now for drivers to request the counterparty to reset their signature via signing on glass, to prevent situations where signatures are incorrect or unacceptable.
    • PICK LOCATION button is added to simplify the process of freight document creation
    On the Drive app, when you create a freight document, there is a new button - PICK LOCATION added for Roles. You can fill in an address, and the GPS coordinates and other details associated to this address will be automatically filled in. It speeds up the process of creating a freight document in the app with more accurate information.
    • Observation Importance for board computer
    You can add the observation Importance in board computers when you add an observation.
    • Adjust seals/goods in ISSUED
    Submitters are now to be able to adjust seals/goods when the freight document is in the issued state.
    • Create multiple freight documents at once
    Submitters can create multiple freight documents at once in a single API request, instead of creating one freight document per request. This can give a significant performance improvement for integrations that create freight documents in a batch-like process.
    We have continued optimizing our platform by fixing some minor bugs and adding some technical improvements.
  • TransFollow Drive App
    • Add GPS coordinates
    The location presented on roles is optimized by adding GPS coordinates. When you create a freight document on the role, you can now add GPS coordinates, then the TransFollow Drive App will open up for those GPS coordinates rather than the text of the address. This applies to TransFollow Portal and via TF Connect Integrations.
    • Disable Updating Goods/RTIs individually
    The submitter can now set the options to allow carriers to edit Goods/RTIs individually. It allows submitters to have greater control over what can be adjusted and what can only be read for carriers in the operation.
    • Add observation split into 2 calls
    We fastened the way how drivers upload observations and attachments to avoid the situation of a slow internet connection. Drivers can now add observations and upload their attachments even with a bad connection without taking too long.
    • Request GPS Permission on Signing
    Not only on the TransFollow Drive App, but also on the fully TF integrated board computers, you will also get a request to ask for the location permission from the driver when starts the signing process. After the driver agreed, the data can be sent to TransFollow.
    TransFollow Portal
    • License Plates Displayed
    A new Vehicles Section has been created and is visible in the Documents. In this section, the carrier's license plates are properly displayed.
    Distributor Portal
    • Search by Client Name
    It is able to search in the Distributor Portal by the Client Name to look for details instead of only by the email address.API
    • Submitter-only reference
    The submitter is able to add references and ensure that they are not being shown in the TransFollow Portal, Drive App, and the pdf. It's only available through API usage.We have continued optimizing our platform by fixing some minor bugs and adding some technical improvements.   We have continued optimizing our platform by fixing some minor bugs and adding some technical improvements.
  • TransFollow Drive App
    • View location on observation details
    When viewing the details of the observation the user can now see where the author of the observation was when they added the observation, if a location was recorded. Users can zoom in to view detailed location information with an accuracy of 15 meters.
    • Postal codes on FD overview
    When viewing the freight documents overview user can now see the postal codes used in the freight documents.
    TransFollow Portal
    • Signing method descriptions
    We have added some explanatory text to our signing methods. This way our TF Portal users are better informed about the different signing methods we provide.
    • Clarify the registration process
    We simplified the registration process and made it easier to understand when users create an account.
    • Reason for missing location in the signature
    When a mobile device can determine why the location could not be retrieved during the signing. The PDF will display the reason.
    • PDF URL returned upon Freight Document creation
    When creating a freight document, the PDF URL will now also be returned.
    We have continued optimizing our platform by fixing some minor bugs and adding some technical improvements.
  • TransFollow Drive App
    • Mandatory picture
    Submitters of the eCMR’s can configure the signing process to make adding a picture by the driver a mandatory step within the signing process. Please read how to configure this in our technical documentation.   TransFollow app mandatory picture
    TransFollow Portal
    • Delivery date filter
    It is made more explicit that the delivery date filter in the TransFollow Portal freight document overview is the actual delivery date.  
    • New search field
    TransFollow Portal users can now search on signed by driver name in the freight document overview screen of the TransFollow Portal, which saves more time for you to find your freight document.  
    • Attachments
    The names of the uploaded attachments are more clear. Your uploaded attachments in your eCMR can be more recognized.  
    • .CSV export
    If you exported your freight documents, the .CSV export file now also shows which freight documents have been commented on, which makes you eaiser centrally identify the observations for each freight document.
    • Attachments list
    The PDF files are no longer listed in the displayed image attachments at the bottom of the PDF but instead are only listed in the attachments table.  
    We have continued optimizing our platform by fixing some minor bugs and adding some technical improvements.
  • TransFollow Drive App
    • iOS version upgraded
    We upgraded TransFollow iOS Drive app and users with an iOS device can now download the app in the AppStore. With the upgraded version, users can login with their Carrier Access Code(s), see and open the eCMRs' that are assigned to them, add observations and attachments, and put their signature using Sign-On-Glass.     how to sign an ecmr TransFollow  
    TransFollow Portal
    When new registrants confirm their registration they did through the TransFollow Portal and made a referral to a specific partner during registration, then that specific partner will receive an e-mail about that activated registrant.   TransFollow Partner
    We have continued optimizing our platform by fixing some minor bugs and adding some technical improvements.
  • TransFollow Drive App 
    • Select and sign all for Carrier Access Codes
            TransFollow Drive App users using the Carrier Access Code to login to the TransFollow Drive App can now select and sign all freight documents in one go instead of selecting them one by one.                  
    • Packing slip can be shared upfront through a separate e-mail to consignees
    When creating a freight document through the API, Integrators can now specify an attachment as a packing slip by using the new document type field. This packing slip will be sent to the consignee by email when the freight document is issued.    
    PDF Service
    • Links to view PDF attachments
    On the PDF of the eCMR, links to view and users can now find and use links to view or download attachments.   pdf link to download TransFollow
    We have continued optimizing our platform by fixing some minor bugs and adding some technical improvements.
  • TransFollow Drive App 
    Data saving mode for driver  
    • Data Saving Mode
    TransFollow Drive App users can now enable the data saving mode. This will result in less mobile data being used for the scenarios of limited data plans and bad connections. The additional documents that don't need will not be retrieved in this mode.    
    • Login Error Clarification
    We made it more clear why an Error occurs. When you fail to log in the account, you will be informed about the reason.
    response message from login result
    PDF Service
    • References
    The reference codes have been moved from the goods description field to the codes column on the eCMR PDF.   eCMR reference  
    TransFollow Portal
    • Customized Packages and Goods Description
    Our Portal users now can set and add their own specific packages - and/or goods descriptions to use in their use case by setting the methods of packaging. The default packaging list is still applicable based on users' preferences. Customized packaging list and goods description
  • TF Drive
    • Improved vehicle editing when signing multiple fd’s
    • Legal compliance driver name search
    • SignOnGlass role name in company field
    Starting from this release when signing multiple freight documents our TransFollow Drive users will be able to add vehicles to the freight document rather than to replace the entire vehicle list. Also new in this release when using the law compliance intent, you can now search by driver name instead of license plate. See the technical documentation on how to implement this. Furthermore, at the start of the SignOnGlass process the “Company” field is automatically filled in, instead of the “Name” field.   TF Portal
    • Company VAT info
    • Delegation for transport
    • T&C Updated
    • Navigation proper links
    • Number of documents shown
    Starting from this release our TransFollow Portal users can now enrich the company detail information with VAT information. Also users can delegate their rights for freight documents that are in transport. We have made it easier for our TF Portal users to navigate through the TF Portal, users now can right-click on a menu item to open it in a new tab. Also new is that our users can see the total amount of documents found based on their search criteria. Finally for the TF Portal this year, we have updated the Terms & Conditions.   TF Connect
    • New API fleet management key type
    Starting from this release we will introduce the API fleet management key type, with which subaccounts management endpoints can be used.
  • 2021.w47

    TF Drive
    • Multiple partner roles
    • Choose document type
    Starting from the upcoming release our TransFollow Drive users no longer need to create a partner for every role they want to assign to that partner, we have made it possible to assign multiple roles at the same time when creating a partner. We have also added some extra flexibility to the creating a freight document process using the TransFollow Drive app. From now on it is not the places that determine which document type a created document has, instead it is up to the user which document type will be used (i.e. CMR or Carta de Porte). TF Portal
    • Download attachment
    Starting from the upcoming release our TransFollow Portal users can download all freight document attachments with one click within the TransFollow Portal. API/Intents
    • External Id for FD’s
    • Optional login expanded
    Also new starting from the upcoming release, is that our integration partners can use their own identifier to retrieve freight documents. Additionally the external identifier can now also be used with the sign multiple freight documents intent. Please see our technical documentation for further details. Starting from the upcoming release more intents support the optional login feature we added to the law compliance intent during the last sprint. A full list of supported intents can be found in the technical documentation.
  • TF Drive / Connect
    • Add goods item;
    • Disable carrier goods editing.
    As from the upcoming release, a submitter of an e-CMR will have the possibility to allow or disallow a driver of a carrier to add goods to an e-CMR by using the TransFollow Drive app.   TF Drive Intents
    • Law compliance login;
    When using the law compliance intent you can now add the login details you would add when using the login intent. This allows you to both login and use the law compliance intent in just 1 call.  
    • Arrival times changes Signing intent;
    Arrival Time provided by e.g. a board computer can now be used when signing.  
    • (Un)loading times hidden;
    Our integration partners can choose to hide the (un)loading times when using the signing intent.  
    • Logout as background intent.
    The TF Drive app screen stays on the background after logging out when using the background service.   TF Portal
    • Documents + reports merged
    As from the upcoming release, our TransFollow Portal users will notice that the menu-item “Reports” is missing. This is due to the fact that we have merged the “Reports” menu-item with the “Documents” menu-item. When using the Documents menu-item, users can switch the view from “View as card” to “View as table”, providing the same information as with the former “Reports” menu-item.   TF Connect
    • Carrier subaccount delegation
    As from the upcoming release, our TransFollow connected partners can use one of our latest API features, which makes it possible for a sub-account of a carrier to delegate the rights to a sub-account of a subsequent carrier.   Other work done
    • Polish language added back into TF Drive app
    After removing the Polish language in the previous sprint, we got the request to add it back into the TransFollow Drive app, so we did.
  • 2021.10

    • TransFollow Portal - Missie workflow configuratie: In de TransFollow Portal is het nu mogelijk om de missie workflow te configureren voor de TransFollow Drive gebruikers. Het is mogelijk om dit voor alle missies en voor elk afzonderlijk in te stellen. Er is ook een nieuwe stap om toe te voegen, inchecken bij de beveiliging.
    • Nieuwe stap, ID check: Een nieuwe stap voor de workflow van TransFollow Drive is de veiligheidscontrole. We hebben een veiligheidscontrole van chauffeurs ingeschakeld bij aankomst bij de verlader of ontvanger door configuratie van het vrachtdocument. Dit gebeurt door middel van het scannen van de QR-code om de partijen te valideren.
    • TF Portal: Kopieer de URL-link van de PDDF van het vrachtdocument om deze direct met andere partijen te delen.
    • Subaccount migratie: Het aanmaken en toewijzen van een subaccount kan nu in de TransFollow Drive-instellingen. Je kunt een subaccount aanmaken en de rol in het overzicht eenvoudig toewijzen aan Chauffeur of Voertuig (vrachtwagen of trailer). De subaccounts wordn ook gepresenteerd in de middelen.
  • 2021.09

    • TF Drive en PDF: Wanneer de indiener van de vrachtbrief alleen de landcode invoert, tonen we nu ook automatisch de naam van het land, of de ingevulde waarde.
    • TF Portal: Toevoegen van werknemer codes is nu mogelijk in de TransFollow Portal, voor het bedrijf en de gebruikers. Uit deze code wordt een unieke QR-code gegenereerd die de chauffeur kan scannen voor het ondertekenen van de vrachtbrief. Lees meer.
    • TF Portal: Het is nu ook mogelijk om documenten te annuleren
    • TF Portal: Spannende URL's die werden gebruikt, worden nu doorgestuurd naar de juiste pagina's of documenten, ook wanneer de gebruiker eerst moet inloggen.
  • 2021.08

    2.101.10 TF

    • TF Drive: When the mission is not closed automatlcally (after rgistering departure time), this can be done manually by the user.
    • TF Drive: The instructions from the carrier to the driver are now presented on the agreements and instructions section on TF Drive. [CarrierToDriverInstructions]
    • All products: When needed, fax information can also be indicated in the contact details for each role, though the API. [ContactFaxNumber]
  • 2021.07

    2.101.10 TF

    • App: Bijgewerkte gebruikersinterface voor de locatie toestemming vanwege nieuwe Android-versie 30 (GPS-tracking) bij de eerste keer inloggen.
    • App: Het tarragewicht wordt toegevoegd aan de gestructureerde goederen van het type Goederen en Gevaarlijke goederen. De eigenschap Totaal tarragewicht is ook toegevoegd aan de informatie over gestructureerde goederen op het vrachtdocument.
    • App: Voor een specifieke gebruiker hebben we een veiligheidscontrole van de chauffeur mogelijk gemaakt bij aankomst bij de afzender of geadresseerde door configuratie van het vrachtdocument. Dit zal gebeuren door de QR-code te scannen om de partijen te valideren.
    • API: Het is nu mogelijk om meerdere toegangscodes voor een vrachtdocument toe te voegen. De indiener kan dit nog steeds doen wanneer het document in Concept staat, terwijl we de mogelijkheid voor de vervoerder hebben toegevoegd om dit te doen in Concept, Afgegeven en Transit via de API.
  • 2021.06

    3.11.3 App 1.666.6 API

    • Voeg afbeeldings-URL toe aan RTI
    • Identificatie van de werknemer in bedrijfscode
    • Kentekenplaat aanpassen van ingediende vrachtbrief
  • 2021.05

    3.7.0 App 1.662.1 API

    • Temperatuur inspectie – alleen cijfers
    • Voeg emballage toe – opslaan en nog een toevoegen.
    • Technische optimalisaties voor het ophalen van vrachtdocumenten
  • 2021.04

    3.4.4 App 1.652.2 API

    • Contact veld toegevoegd bij het aanpassen van rollen.
    • Email notificatie versturen na inspecteren goederen.
    • Subscription/webhook uitgebreid voor opmerkingen
Veelgestelde vragen

Hoe kan ik feedback achterlaten bij TransFollow?

We waarderen uw feedback over de TransFollow App en TransFollow Portal en de functionaliteiten zeer, evenals eventuele technische ondersteuning, omdat het ons helpt onze diensten te verbeteren. Stuur gerust een e-mail naar info@transfollow.org.

Hoe worden mijn gegevens beschermd in TransFollow?

eCMR's bevatten een hoop gevoelige informatie die niet voor buitenstaanders bedoeld is. Wanneer u gebruikmaakt van TransFollow, is elke eCMR is alleen zichtbaar voor de accounts die eraan zijn gelinkt, een derde zal dus geen toegang hebben tot de informatie die erin is opgeslagen. Daarbij gebruikt TransFollow gegevens van gebruikers nooit voor commerciële doeleinden.

Bij wie kan ik terecht als ik ondersteuning nodig heb?

Als u een TransFollow-gebruiker bent en ondersteuning wenst omtrent de functionaliteiten van de TransFollow-app of TransFollow Portal, kunt u onze instructievideo's raadplegen of contact opnemen met uw (lokale) partner. Als u een softwareleverancier bent met een actieve of mogelijke integratie met TransFollow, kunt u contact opnemen met ons supportteam door een e-mail te sturen naar support@transfollow.org.

Waar zijn de technische specificaties voor een verbinding met TransFollow te vinden?

Er is een stap-voor-stap integratie met alle technische specificaties van TransFollow te vinden op developer.transfollow.com.