Supply chains won’t move forward unless we bridge data systems. TransFollow  closes the gap.

As a true industry champion, and with a truly collaborative and integrative mindset, TransFollow, thriving on its eCMR leadership, has both the will and capability to bring the supply chain stakeholders together in their digitalisation process. Because it can only work if all partners work and progress together, TransFollow, one of the most innovative solutions for the transport and logistic market, is building on its eCMR customer base and focusing its efforts on taking digital transformation further, by making the business case clear to all and erasing every possible barrier to adoption.


TransFollow’s vision: The growing digitalisation of the supply chains brings an opportunity to accelerate the transition to the better working supply chains of tomorrow. It holds the potential to create shared value for all.

Between the spread of coronavirus, the accelerated digitalisation of supply chains and the expansion of digital transport documents such as eCMR, now ratified by 30 countries in Europe, the better working supply chains of tomorrow feel closer than ever. Simpler and smarter, relying on fluid information flows, on more efficient processes, on increased transparency and reliability, they hold the promise of a creation of value that would be shared by all the stakeholders of the industry.


Yet, as Alexis Perinet Marquet, TransFollow’s Business and Product Development director points it, "With uneven levels of digitalisation, supply chains are too fragmented for information to travel smoothly. Siloed data flows leave stakeholders in the dark." 

For the supply chains to move forward, the issue of fragmentation must be solved. We need the industry to overcome data siloes. We need data to start flowing smoothly between partners. All stakeholders, however big or small, must be empowered to go paperless.


Indeed, for small companies, the fear of being left behind by digitalisation is painfully too real, but equally as strong is the feeling of taking a leap of faith when one gets started with digital transformation. When the business case does not feel obvious yet, when digitalisation keeps being postponed by one’s business partners and prospects, when, lastly, the fear of disrupting something that works dominates, digital transformations get delayed, and information remains handled in outdated, time-costly ways (read: through paper and pens).


For middle and large companies, may they be shippers or transport companies, who might be already equipped with a management system such as a TMS, FMS, WMS or ERP, and familiar with the opportunities presented by the digitalisation of their operations, the lack of interoperability within the industry creates a real barrier to the smooth travel of information. Where there could be collaboration, real-time exchanges, transparency and predictability, they’re faced with siloed, incohesive data that leaves them in the dark.


"A link is clearly missing to harmonise information exchanges and get the industry out of its own way. This is the gap that TransFollow is dedicated to bridge." , explains Alexis Perinet Marquet. "With a renewed set of digital services, we’re asserting our commitment and capability to unite supply chains, break silos and finally  unite the supply chains together."

Willing to accelerate the digitalisation of the industry so that all stakeholders can benefit from smarter, simpler information exchanges that, in turn, create better working transport operations in no time, TransFollow is committed to bridge the gap between all stakeholders by enabling everyone, big or small, to get on board, undertake smooth digitalisations and take part in real-time data exchanges.


  • To even out the digitalisation of the industry, TransFollow keeps building on the eCMR and encouraging its adoption, as it is the cornerstone, and sine qua none condition, of harmonised information exchanges.


  • To foster collaboration, TransFollow has renewed its set of digital services in partnership with the leading software providers of the industry to offer even more inclusive user experiences and harmonise data flows. Relying on three independent services, TransFollow Portal, TransFollow Connect and TransFollow Drive, that can be used together or separately, according to the user case, TransFollow DataHub allows all the partners of a given transport operation to share information in real-time and benefit from instant updates on their transport documents, so that they can work better, closer together, by enjoying more transparency and predictability.


  • To fasten digital transformation, TransFollow is still actively forming partnerships with software providers and distributors all over Europe, so that every supply chain stakeholder can find the solution that best matches their needs and get started with solid partners to rely on.


Change is on its way. Convinced that together, we can unleash the full potential of the supply chains and that together, we can accelerate the transition to the better working supply chains of tomorrow, TransFollow is committed to uniting supply chains. The only question that remains is: will you come on board?