Support - TransFollow Portal

Register & Log in

The first steps in the environment of TransFollow Portal are easy, register your account, set up your preferences and discover all possibilities of the TransFollow Portal.

Register & Log in

Creating an account in the TransFollow Portal

When registering your in the first step, fill in you company details. Please note, the email should uniquely identify the company and account. All notifications related to the transport will be sent to this address (including the eCMR). Indicate from which partner referred you to the TransFollow Portal.

In the second step of the registration you can enter your username and password. Accept the terms and conditions and go to the next step.

The third step is checking which information you are about to use in the TransFollow Portal.

What do you need to get done in TransFollow platform?
  • I want to visualize on going transport operations on a Dashboard - To visualize on going transport operations on a Dashboard
  • Access and manage documents and digital consignment notes - To access and manage documents and digital consignment notes
  • Create and manage transport orders - To create and manage transport orders.
  • Plan and assign drivers and vehicles on upcoming transports - To plan and assign drivers and vehicles on upcoming transports.

Once you have created your TransFollow account, you can indicate your name, email, phone number and set the languages of your notifications.

An e-mail will be send to indicated e-mail to activate the account. The link in the e-mail is available for 7 days.

Forgot your password?

When you try to login to the TransFollow Portal and you forgot your password, you can click on ‘forgot password?’ Enter your e-mail / username and we will send you a link to reset your password. This link is available for 7 days. Change your password in the settings screen once you successfully logged in.


Log in to the TransFollow Portal with an Access Code

It is also possible to login to the TransFollow Portal with an Access Code. To login with an Access Code, your counter party must have created a transport operation, and must have generated an access code. With this code, you can login to view and sign this specific transport. Enter the Access Code to search for the transports and documents linked to the code.

The linked transports will be presented in the screen with the current status, parties, consignment note number and order number. You can open the PDF document of the consignment note. Select multiple documents or only sign one document. Select the signing situation: collection or delivery of the goods.

The next step is to fill in the information of the consignor/consignee and carrier. You have the opportunity to add an observation and attach a file or picture. It is not possible to modify any information on the goods or the consignment note, it is only possible to place an observation. The last step is to sign for collection or delivery by placing the signature by the use of Sign-on-Glass. To finish, click on ‘done’.

This functionality of the TransFollow Portal is very convenient for consignors and consignees who would like to use this functionality to sign for pick-up or delivery. The signing via the Access Code in the TransFollow Portal is only available with an internet connection.