TransFollow Drive App
- Sort on Creation Date
The Sorting feature is added under the Access Code login environment. Drivers can choose ‘Creation Date’ and all freight documents will be sorted from the oldest freight document to the latest. In this case, any activities or editing on freight documents will not affect this sequence of documents.
- Change Transference Type
If the carrier made a mistake on an RTI (returnable transport item), now the carrier is possible to correct this by re-editing the details of the RTI and changing its Transference Type.
- Mandatory Sign-on-Glass info
During the Sign-on-Glass inspection, the counterparty usually needs to fill in some fields while handling the goods. We made it possible for submitters of the freight documents to decide which of the fields is mandatory for the counterparty to fill based on their different use cases.

- Hungarian Language
The Hungarian language is added to the TransFollow Drive app.
TransFollow Portal
- Add access code
Add-access-code functionality is not only available on the API, but also available on the TransFollow portal now. Submitters can add new access codes after freight documents have been issued at the Portal in the document view. Once a new access code has been added, the document can be accessed through both old and new access codes.
- Attachments not redownloaded
We improved the preload intent to have the attachment of the freight document downloaded once and then not be re-downloaded to save the data usage for TransFollow App users.
- Webhook TLS Certificates
We made the usage of webhook more secure by adding TLS Certificates security to Webhook functionality.
- Remove access code
We added the ability to delete access codes from freight documents after the transport is done or cancelled.
We have continued optimizing our platform by fixing some minor bugs and adding some technical improvements.