Greece accepts e-CMR: Greece has confirmed its commitment to fully paperless goods transport


As of 23rd October, Greece conformed its commitment to digital transports by acceding to the e-CMR protocol. This recent ratification of the UN protocol on digital consignment notes marks a pivotal moment for Greece, making it the 34th country to accept the e-CMR. It means that companies can now increase their digitalization when trading with and transporting to Greece.


From now on, international transports within or passing through Greece will no longer require to carry paper-based consignment note along the entire delivery process. All transport information and signatures can now be seamlessly managed and shared digitally. Greece's recent ratification not only represents a significant milestone for the country but also further paved the way for broader digitalization across the Mediterranean region. It fuels the momentum toward paperless supply chain data exchange, and rendering transport systems more transparent, accurate and efficient.



As a leading e-CMR provider in transport digitalization, TransFollow warmly welcomes Greece to the digital transport community. We are committed to supporting you in seamlessly transitioning to the digital operation environment with our data-exchange solution including the e-CMR.


What is e-CMR?

The CMR (or CMR consignment note) is a document used for the regulation of road freight transport, and it serves as an international agreement. The e-CMR (electronic consignment note) is the digital version of CMR.

The e-CMR has been adopted by most of the European countries and increasingly shippers and carriers have been using it with their transports, in order to reduce time and costs, and gain overall operational efficiency.


What benefits the e-CMR can bring?
  • Eliminate the need of paper and its associated costs and storing space
  • Expedite billing
  • Reduce manual paperwork and administrative errors and its time and costs
  • Realize digital document management
  • Seamlessly Data-exchange with partners in the chain
  • Transparent and accurate data
  • Digital signature


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