TransFollow Portal

To make your operation easier, users can now enable/disable multiple notifications settings at the same time.


When deleting a driver or vehicle in your asset library, if there is a subaccount associated with it, then the subaccount will be deactivated.


Users can now see their freight document delegates when viewing a freight document.


Users can delegate the Place of Taking over and/or Place of Delivery on account level. Also we updated the UI for delegation to be more in line with what our users are used to.


TransFollow Drive App 

A clearer dashboard is upgraded and users will no longer see freight documents they no longer have access to.


In the freight documents detail screen users now will see the last recorded temperature.


When users have predefined returnable transport items (rti’s), with the action of adding RTI’s and they press “Save and add another” they will be returned to the predefined returnable transport items list.



To be more effective for our users to be aware any specific freight documents, the e-mail notifications relating to specific freight documents now contain the reference registered on the freight documents.


The freight document delegate and revoke end-points have been updated to support multiple roles in one call. See our technical documentation for further details.