TransFollow Portal
- Place comment as consignor
- Internal Code
We improved retrieval options for goods on the documents by adding the internal code field for goods to the freight document view in the TF Portal.
- Display freight documents in draft status
Freight documents created through TF Connect in the status draft, can now be viewed in the planning tool of the TF Portal. It increases visibility and makes users be able to share earlier.
- MFA restored
Multi-Factor Authentication now again can be added to the user’s account via the profile page. Functionality and security of the account are now restored and increased respectively.
- Change account name
Usability and user-friendliness of accounts have been increased by now allowing users to change their account name in the profile page.
TransFollow Drive App
- Captcha for register/reset password
We will be providing a higher security level service by introducing captcha for new account registrations and password resets.
- Attachments / PDF during inspections
All attachments will be displayed in the comments and attachments signing inspection screen. Furthermore, TF Drive users who are signing multiple freight document, will now be able to view the PDF of the freight document they choose as they could do before when signing a single freight document.
- Copy address info whilst creating eCMR’s
When creating a freight document in TF Drive, users can now copy address information from the consignor to the place of taking over and from the consignee to the place of delivery. This improvement is to ease the creation of freight documents and assigning tasks, reduce redundant actions and avoid mistakes.
- Android support minimum 5.0
We have raised the minimum Android version requirement to Android 5.0 for standards compliance.
- Departure Time for signing intent
The collection and delivery departure times can now be provided by an enhanced integration through the multi-signing intent. See technical documentation for full specifics.
- SDK correction – 1 signing method
The signing calls have been consolidated to a single signing call for both single and multi-signing.
- Technical Documentation UI updated
We have restructured the UI of the technical API documentation, to make developers easier to navigate.