TransFollow Drive App
- Mandatory picture
Submitters of the eCMR’s can configure the signing process to make adding a picture by the driver a mandatory step within the signing process. Please read how to configure this in our technical documentation.
TransFollow Portal
- Delivery date filter
It is made more explicit that the delivery date filter in the TransFollow Portal freight document overview is the actual delivery date.
- New search field
TransFollow Portal users can now search on signed by driver name in the freight document overview screen of the TransFollow Portal, which saves more time for you to find your freight document.
- Attachments
The names of the uploaded attachments are more clear. Your uploaded attachments in your eCMR can be more recognized.
- .CSV export
If you exported your freight documents, the .CSV export file now also shows which freight documents have been commented on, which makes you eaiser centrally identify the observations for each freight document.
- Attachments list
The PDF files are no longer listed in the displayed image attachments at the bottom of the PDF but instead are only listed in the attachments table.
We have continued optimizing our platform by fixing some minor bugs and adding some technical improvements.