
TF Drive

Starting from the upcoming release our TransFollow Drive users no longer need to create a partner for every role they want to assign to that partner, we have made it possible to assign multiple roles at the same time when creating a partner. We have also added some extra flexibility to the creating a freight document process using the TransFollow Drive app. From now on it is not the places that determine which document type a created document has, instead it is up to the user which document type will be used (i.e. CMR or Carta de Porte).

TF Portal

Starting from the upcoming release our TransFollow Portal users can download all freight document attachments with one click within the TransFollow Portal.


Also new starting from the upcoming release, is that our integration partners can use their own identifier to retrieve freight documents. Additionally the external identifier can now also be used with the sign multiple freight documents intent. Please see our technical documentation for further details.
Starting from the upcoming release more intents support the optional login feature we added to the law compliance intent during the last sprint. A full list of supported intents can be found in the technical documentation.