Register & Log in
Creating TransFollow Drive account in the app
A TransFollow Drive can be created in the TransFollow Drive app. When the application is installed from the Google Play Store, open the app and click on ‘Register a new account'. Provide the username, email, password, phone number and the preferred language to receive notifications.
Creating Drive users in TransFollow Portal
The accounts for the TransFollow Drive users can be created and managed in the TransFollow Portal. Read here more about the process.
Next to that, the submitter indicates whether the driver should:
- Allow freight documents creation
This will enable the driver using the device linked to the vehicle to create freight documents from the TransFollow Drive mobile application. Please note that each freight document created by your driver will deduct one Transport credit from your credit balance.
- Chang password on first login
The first time the user will login the TransFollow Drive mobile application, the application will require that the user changes the password.
- Request GPS tracking
The application will request your driver to accept to enable GPS tracking while using TransFollow Drive mobile application.
Logging in to TransFollow Drive
To login to TransFollow Drive, you use your email or username and password. When you forgot your password, you can click on ‘Forgot password’, fill in your email address. An email to reset your password will be sent to this email address.
Access Code
TransFollow Drive offers the possibility to login and sign assigned eCMRs without an account.
The Access code is a unique code your driver or your subcontractor can use to access transport information through the TransFollow Drive mobile application without the need of having a TransFollow Account. They have to download the TransFollow mobile application from the Google Playstore and enter this code on the login page. From the application they will be able to manage their missions, the lifecycle of all related consignment notes and update information in real time just like when the driver would have a TransFollow account.
The submitter of the transport can indicate the access code during the creation of the transport. The submitter has to communicate the Access Code to the driver via various external communication channels, like text or email.
To log in, click on “Log in with Access Code”. ”. Indicate this Access code and the list of transport mission will appear on the screen. The rest of all functionalities are all the same as for a user with an account.