Transport documents
In the ‘Transport Documents’ section you can find all your digital consignment notes associated with the transports. The overview shows the information on the eCMR number, order number and the status (draft, issued, in transit, finished, cancelled). Next to that, the information on consignor, pickup and pickup date, consignee, delivery and delivery date, client, carrier and established date, are displayed.
You can search in the top bar on keywords for a specific document. The TransFollow Portal will search for the matching value and present this in the screen.
eCMR Preview
You can click on the eCMR number to open the eCMR preview screen with more information on the transport name, access code, involved parties, information related to the goods and RTI’s, observations and the events log.
Observations and attachments
If the driver adds observations and attachments to the eCMR during the transport, it is indicated with an orange circle with a exclamation mark on the Documents overview screen.
It is possible to filter the documents with observations using the filters on the top of the overview screen. All attachments and observations are available for all involved parties on the transport operation. The observations and attachments will be presented on the eCMR preview screen in the section ‘Observations’, the information which will be presented is the date, time, done by, event and the comment(s).
The observations will also be presented on the PDF download of the eCMR and on the event log of the specific eCMR preview screen.
You, and your supply chain partners (consignors, consignees and clients) can always, no matter the status of the document, upload attachments.
Events and reported locations
- Events: The event log presents the events indicating what, where and when happened. The event log on the eCMR preview present all the reported modifications, all actions taken on the transport and by which party. The time of the event is registered as well, to give an exact indication of the transport.
- The reported locations: In the reported locations you see an overview of the reported locations of the transport operation. The GPS settings on the mobile device of the driver must be turned on.