Creating a new transport operation
During the creation of the transport, you indicate all the information on new missions. All information will be presented on the consignment note (eCMR) and the transport operation.
You can create a new transport by click on ‘Create New Transport’ in the Transport Screen. First, you have to indicate the transport name, order number, the client, established in (city) established on (date and time) and Established country.
You create two missions, the pickup at the consignor and the delivery at the consignor. All the associated information for these missions are filled in this step. This information will be presented on the eCMR (digital consignment note) accompanying the transport.
It is possible to duplicate a transport operation and edit the information, this is convenient, when for example it is a repeating transport operation. Click on the ‘hamburger menu’ of a transport operation on the transport manager screen and click on duplicate.
Fill in the following steps:
- Pickup info
- Delivery info
- Carrier, successive carriers & vehicle info – in the planning tool you can assign drivers and the vehicle to the transport.
- Goods + RTI - indicate ADR items or add special references.
- Instructions, special agreements & cash on delivery
- Customs and personalized information
- Attachments
The right bar will indicate which steps you have completed.
Once you have completed entering all the information, you can click on ‘save’ and after this go back to the overview page of Transport, or go to the Planning Tool to assign the drivers or vehicles to the transport missions.
The Access Code
The Access code is a unique code your driver or your subcontractor can use to access transport information through the TransFollow Drive mobile application without the need of having a TransFollow Account. They have to download the TransFollow mobile application from the Google Playstore and enter this code on the login page. From the application they will be able to manage their missions, the lifecycle of all related consignment notes and update the information in real time just like when the driver would have a TransFollow account.
You can indicate the Access Code in ‘Manage Transport’ screen, once the transport is issued, the code cannot be modified anymore. Communicate the code to the driver once the driver is being assigned to the transport in the planning tool. Due to safety reasons, it is not possible to communicate the Access Code via the TransFollow Platform, but only via external communication channels like text and email.
Manage your transport
Once you have finished creating the Transport, you click on save. You go back to the manage Transports screen. In the overview screen, all transports are presented, all statusses included.
You can search in the top bar on keywords for a specific transport. The TransFollow Portal will search for the matching value and present this in the screen.
You can easily edit the information, and indicate the additional information like:
- Transport order number
- Access Code
- TransFollow Drive Settings
- Shared Permissions To Partners
- Attachments
View the information on the arrival and departure times during pick-up collection and delivery & distance driven.
When you are unable to finish filling in the information on the transport operation, you can save the draft and later finish the creation. Issuing the transport can be done in the transport management screen.
Managing settings of the signing inspection for TransFollow Drive
When you click on a specific transport you can find the transport ID, Transport status and you can fill in the Transport name if needed. You have an overview of the two different trips with the information presented on the transport overview screen.
TransFollow Drive Settings, Signing Inspections
On the settings you can indicate all the different signing inspections. This means that you can indicate which information the driver has to go through during the signing inspection. In the TF Drive settings (under Administrative) are the pre-set signing inspections., which you can adjust when needed in this screen. After checking all these elements, the driver and the counter party can sign the document upon pick-up or delivery.
- Security check: We enabled a security check on drivers upon arrival at the consignor or consignee by configuration of the freight document. This will be done by using the QR-code scanning to validate the parties.
- Seal Numbers - to review the seal number(s) mentioned on a consignment note
- Goods - to review goods mentioned on a consignment note
- RTIs - to review returnable transport items mentioned on a consignment note
- Times - to review arrival and departure times mentioned on a consignment note
- References - to review your specific information mentioned on a consignment note
- License Plates - to review licence plates mentioned on a consignment note
- Comments & Attachments - to review observations and attached documents linked to a consignment note
- Address - to review the loading or delivery location mentioned on a consignment note
- Temperatures - to review the controlled temperature mentioned on a consignment note
This way, you as the submitter of the transport operation and consignment note can control what information will be collected during the transport operation of the driver.
Permissions: You can give partners access to transports. Select a partner to which you want to share the transport to by selecting from you partner library or by entering the email address. Allow the partner to act as another party or location. Click here for more information on the permissions.
Attachments: In the Transport management section you find all the attachments related to the eCMRs of the transport.
Issue your transport and eCMR
Issuing a transport means that the transport information is completed and ready to be shared with all parties (carrier, successive carrier, drivers, clients, consignors and consignees) involved in the transport operation. When a transport is issued, all stakeholders will be notified of their involvement (through emails mentioned in their profile.)
Once the transport has been issued, the information on the transport and the transport document cannot be edited anymore.
Drivers or vehicles assigned to the transport and equipped with TransFollow mobile application will receive a notification and will be able to manage their assignments. After the transport has been issued , the transport status will switch to “To Start’ and will then be available in the “Planning Tool”. The planning Tool allows you to assign your transport or transport legs to drivers or vehicles.