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Die Digitalisierung der Lieferketten vollzieht sich in einem rasanten, ungleichmäßigen Tempo. Damit Sie immer auf dem neuesten Stand bleiben, hält TransFollow Sie mit den neuesten relevanten Branchen- und Produktnachrichten auf dem Laufenden.

Igarle Group, Spain’s leading TMS provider integrates TransFollow’s eCMR solution

Nidaplast Embraces Digital Transformation with TransFollow eCMR for Streamlined Logistics Management

Italy submitted a concept legislation to adopt eCMR

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Spain Introduces QR Code-based Digital Transport Documents for Streamlined Inspections

TransFollow and App2Track announce their cooperation to make e-CMR accessible for all transport companies and shippers

TransFollow will be presenting TransFollow eCMR at TOP Logistics Europe event

TransFollow will be participating the General Assembly of ACTM on 27th May

Meet TransFollow at Transport Logistic Munich 2023 – Book Your Meeting Now!

TransFollow eCMR Slovak

TransFollow Portal and App Now Support Slovak